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Proposing a Special Issue

e-Academia Journal (e-AJ) of Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu (UiTMCT) invites conference or seminar organiser/scholars/academic institution/research organisation or centres to publish Special Issues – dedicated collection of articles that aim to highlight emerging areas of research within a wide variety of business operation and management behaviour including the utilisation of information communication and technology in work processes and activities within any business setting.

Specifically, e-AJ is looking forward to receiving and considering special issue publication proposals within the empirical investigation advances in customer behaviour, organisational behaviour, business marketing, e-commerce, business technology and innovation, and international business are evaluated on a regular basis.

The following sections provide the special issue information as guidelines to potential conference organisers/scholars/academic institutions/research organizations or centres to publish with e-AJ.

Research interest and topic/title for the Special Issue

Choose a topic within the e-AJ research interests. The topic of the Special Issue must be of increasing interest within the research field and within the scope of our journal. It should be good enough to attract a reasonable number of manuscript submissions.


Documentation and Submission for the Special Issue

Potential conference or seminar organisers/scholars/academic institutions/research organisations or centres publish are welcomed to write and send an email to e-AJ at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together with the following supporting documents:


a)       A brief description of the proposed Special Issue (including a broad background of the special issue and its objectives) - maximum 300 words

b)      For conference or seminar organiser, please provide a brief detail on the event (including the website homepage/poster of the conference or seminar) – maximum 200 words

c)       For scholars/academic institutions/research organisations or centres, please provide a brief detail of your research interest and publication as well as affiliation/organisation - maximum 200 words


Review and decision by Editorial Boards of e-AJ for the Special Issue Proposal

Submission of the Special Issue proposal will be reviewed by the Editorial Board of the e-AJ for approval. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to you within a month from your submission – subject to availability and publication in progress.


The Editorial Board of e-AJ, without any prior notice, has full right to reject or terminate the Special Issue acceptance for publication if the conference or seminar organiser/scholars/academic institutions/research organisations or centres failed to meet the publication requirements and maintain the quality of the manuscripts.


Recruiting an Editorial Team for the Special Issue

All Special Issues are led by 1-2 Guest Editors. The conference or seminar organisers/scholars/academic institutions/research organisations or centres must state the name and affiliation of the guest editor(s) of the proposed issue.


The guest editor(s) is entirely responsible to administer the entire process including call for paper, communicating with the author(s), desk screening, reviewer assignment and reports, final editing and compilation and publication release of the Special Issue. Guest editor(s) must ensure the quality of manuscripts received is maintained according to e-AJ publication requirements. Guest editor(s) should follow and practice the research and academic publication and intellectual properties ethics.


Cost of publishing in Special Issues

Typically, processing charges (PC) are paid by the author(s) of each published manuscript. The PC is MYR100.00$ (USD25.00$) - excluding bank transaction fees - per manuscript.


The guest editor(s) will receive one complimentary (i.e. for each guest editor) PC waiver that they can use to publish their research manuscript themselves in e-AJ regular issue. This complimentary expiration within 12 months from the day/date of Special Issue publication is released.


In addition, the guest editor(s) will be automatically appointed as our scientific reviewer, prioritise in our regular issue publication – subject to the manuscript within the e-AJ’s research interest, and access to all e-AJ new publications.


Publication guidelines for the Special Issue

Once approved, the guest editor(s) of the Special Issue will be assigned to one of e-AJ's Editorial Board representatives to get publication details including the format of the manuscript, double-blind review process, and upload the finalised manuscript into our website.  


For manuscripts published in the conference or seminar’s proceeding with or without ISSN/eISSN/ISBN/eISBN, the guest editor(s) must make sure that the author(s) have made changes for at least 30 per cent and the similarity Turnitin report (i.e. plagiarism) below 30 per cent.


e-AJ team will promote your Call for Papers to readers on our website. In some cases, e-AJ may also share it using our social media channels.